Donate Today

Your tax-deductible donation to the Jamaica Hope Foundation

  • Give food, clothing, shelter and school tuition assistance.
  • Supplies funds for assistance when natural disaster strikes.
  • Helps prevent the spread of the painful chikungunya virus through mosquito control and education.
  • Supplies livestock to families for food and future sustainability.

Frequency of gift:

Monthly                     One-time donation

Please select the tax-deductible gift amount below:

$20        $50        $75        $150       $300        $500        $1000        Other: $

Please put my gift towards:

Make this gift in honor of:

Other ways to donate


Donate by Phone

Call 1.844 755-HOPE (4673)


Donate by Mail

Simply click here to print out your form, follow instructions and mail it with your check or credit card information to:
                 Jamaica Hope Foundation, Inc. PO Box 16284, Charlotte, NC 28297-6284.

If you would like to donate your vehicle, please click the link below or contact us at 1.888.444.2392.


Jamaica Hope Foundation is a 501(c)(3) Organization